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The Promise of Stem Cell Research for Treatment of Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral palsy is a general term for a group of disorders that affect the body’s nervous system. Cerebral palsy is a permanent condition that will remain with the sufferer throughout his or her life, however, it is not a progressive disease that worsens over time. CP can result in an impairment of certain body functions, such as speech and movement. It can affect the way a person walks, talks and controls their balance. Those with CP may also have trouble with their hearing and vision, and in some cases they may be intellectually impaired. The disorder can be caused by injury to the brain or by an abnormality in the brain developed in the womb. Infants born prematurely have an increased likelihood of developing this disorder.

While there is no known cure for CP, some in the medical field believe that conducting stem cell research may provide an answer. While stem cells may not completely eradicate the effects of the disorder, it is hoped that stem cells may be developed to provide therapeutic treatment for sufferers.

What gives researchers hope in stem cells as a promising treatment is the versatility of the cells. Stem cells are what are known as undifferentiated cells, meaning they have the potential to develop along different lines. This means they could possibly be developed into cells that can be used in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy. Some day, it is hoped, through research and development of new methods of treatment, stem cells will be used as a form of restorative therapy in patients who suffer from diseases that damage the body’s nervous system, like CP.

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