
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep for those with Cerebral Palsy

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Children with cerebral palsy experience pain and discomfort caused by muscle spasms and the abnormal posture of their bodies. This can put extra pressure on muscles, joints and organs. As a result, in addition to the challenges presented by CP, many children also develop sleeping disorders that are brought on by muscle spasms that occur during the night. This can lead to back pain and prevent the child from getting much needed rest. Certain medications may also make it difficult for children with CP to sleep through the night.

Good sleep is essential for the health of everyone, but it is especially important for children suffering from cerebral palsy. There are a number of things caregivers and parents can do to help their children sleep better. A calming routine implemented right before bedtime can help relax children. As for all children, brushing teeth and story time are an effective part of the routine. Aa warm bath can also help relax and prep them for sleep.

Stiffness due to poor posture can make finding a comfortable position difficult. Once in an uncomfortable position, the child may find it hard to move into a more comfortable one. Finding the best sleeping position may not be easy but therapists can help determine which position is best. That is why it is important to find a position that works and one that can help reduce the occurrence of spasms during the night. A good diet and exercise also helps promote healthy sleep cycles.

Good sleep can go a long way in the how a child copes with their disability during the day. Being overly tired can make the effects of stiffness and pain even more difficult. Regardless of our abilities, we all experience the negative effects of not getting enough sleep, this is only compounded in children with CP.

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