
A Canine Companian for Children with Cerebral Palsy

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Service animals have been helping people with disabilities for many decades. From guide dogs that assist the visually impaired to companion animals that provide emotional support, this service has helped people with both physical and intellectual disabilities and impairments cope with the challenges of everyday life. Children especially can benefit from the help of service animals and children born with cerebral palsy are no exception.

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder which affects muscle coordination and body movement. Many sufferers have difficulty walking, talking, writing or feeding themselves. Mental impairment often times accompanies these physical challenges which creates even more difficulties for these children. Using a canine companion to assist a child can help them become more independent, which will help improve their self-esteem. With a little help from their four-legged friends, kids with CP can better deal with everyday tasks. A dog can assist a child with mobility — they can literally lean on their canine companion to steady themselves — and these animals can be trained to help children regain their balance. Canine companions can also be trained to bark and alert family members when the child is having a seizure during the night.

As any pet owner can attest, their animals often have a calming effect on them. This can help with anxiety or panic attacks and canine companions do the same. One parent of a child with CP has used crowdfunding as a way to raise money for the training of these animals so that more families have access to the services of canine companions.

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