Tikvah Layeled is the foremost cerebral palsy educational and therapeutic center in Israel.

It is a specialist treatment center that provides individually tailored therapy for cerebral palsy children. Its goal is to improve the quality of life for children so that they are independent and active, and can participate in everyday life to the best of their ability.

Tikvah Layeled's approach to the treatment and management of cerebral palsy is known and respected throughout Israel. Its therapists have been improving children's lives for nearly 30 years. We treat over 400 children every year, providing over 9,000 hours of monthly therapy.

Tikvah Layeled's approach to therapy has proven effective for children with. all type of cerebral palsy, regardless of their related problems or age. Each child's problems are individually assessed by our inter-disciplinary team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists. Then, as each child's needs change, we regularly reassess the treatment program.
Tikvah Layeled opened its doors in 1982 by Mr. Tzvi and Mrs. Shaindel Breitstein who with single minded determina tion, created a facility that could meet the needs of their son Yoel, who had been diagnosed with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Its purpose then, as it is today is to serve as a school that doubles as a rehabilitation center for C.P children and young adults whose special needs were not being met sufficiently at any other facility in Jerusalem.

Seen from a perspective of three decades, its beginning was humble with a staff of volunteer teachers and therapists, operat ing in three borrowed rooms. Even in the three floor building it currently occupies in the center of Jerusalem, which doesn't nearly meet the demands placed upon it, Tikvah Layeled has become one of Israel's premier institutions for the education and rehabilitative treatment and care centers for children with cerebral palsy and related neuromuscular disorders. Its staff of over thirty special education teachers, therapists and rehabilitation specialists are sought after throughout the country as lecturers and panelists in seminars and symposiums in all aspects of care of special needs children. The program and curriculum serve as models for other special education programs for the entire country.

Tikvah Layeled is a fully accredited grade school and rehabilitation center. It provides education and state-of-the-art therapy and reha bilitation to a population ranging in age from infants to 21, and offers assistance to their families and the community.
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